Name: Danial bin Jaafar
Group: G 
Matrix Number: 2020808832
Program: UED 102
Name of Lecturer: Sir Fakri
Title: Learning Style

A learning style is a way that different students learn. A style of learning refers to an individual's preferred way to absorb, process, comprehend and retain information. 😏

As we never stop learning🤯🤯🤯, knowing your strengths can provide productivity and achievement in the workplace. But how do you know which learning styles to incorporate?

The 3 key learning styles are: Visual👀, Auditory👂 and Kinaesthetic✍


Visual, or spatial, learning is when a person learns more effectively through seeing and watching😏. This type of learner uses pictures, images, videos, and spatial understanding to memorize and organize information, and grasp concepts. For visual learners, the mind’s eye is everything. If they “can’t quite picture it,” then they are less likely to understand and remember it😗. The intentional use of simple, but eye-catching images are appreciated.

Visual learners can struggle with note-taking, as words don’t always do the trick. To aid in this, visual learners may use colour to sort data, use pictures in place of words, and are proficient in their sense of direction. Visual learners have an easier time learning through videos and visual scenarios and retain more information through reading📕 than listening.


Maps, charts, graphs, lists, and flashcards are all useful tools for visual learners😵. 

Traits of Visual Learners:

  • Able to convey complex ideas visually
  • Comprehends charts and graphs quickly
  • Organized
  • Prefers to read than listen
  • Good at putting puzzles together and recognizing patterns   


    An aural, or auditory, learner, prefers to learn through sound and music😬. This type of learner may do better with mnemonic devices, memorization songs, and repetition, as well as rhymes and rhythms. Aural learners are listeners Aural learners are often an active part of lessons, asking and answering questions😌. Discussion is their best friend when attempting to understand an idea, verbally walking through a problem or explanation. They may paraphrase to simplify and use repetition to memorize difficult concepts💖.

    The aural listener is great in aiding their teachers with this because they’re more likely to speak up and ask questions that some of the more introverted students might be afraid to


    listen to music to focus, associate sound with specific actions, emotions, or knowledge, and may become anxious and antsy in total silence👴

    Traits of Aural Learners:

    • Follows verbal directions
    • Often speaks up or participates in class (volunteering to answer questions)
    • Good at explaining ideas out loud
    • Skilled at oral reports and class presentations
    • Able to work through complex problems by speaking out loud
    • Loses concentration quickly due to noise


      Physical, or kinesthetic💪, learners use their hands, body, movement and their sense of touch to understand things. To grasp an idea, they actually need to grasp an idea–touching, feeling, and manipulating objects is a very important part of their thinking process👍.  This type of learner has difficulty focusing on visual and oral presentations and will become distracted or move around, as they are generally central focused.😕

      Keeping the physical learner invested in their studies is a task in itself, and they are infamous for their trouble in school due to the lack of allowances made for their particular learning style😠. While physical learners can retain information just as well as any other learner, it is their lack of movement that inhibits them. A physical learner can study more effectively while walking and running, and find study tools to hold help them focus😁

      Traits of Kinaesthetic Learners:

      • Enjoys creating things with his or her hands
      • Tends to remember by doing, rather than hearing or seeing
      • Likes to do things rather than read about them
      • Excellent physical coordination
      • Attuned to the physical world around them
      • Good with hands-on activities


        By taking a learning styles inventory test with the guidance of my UiTM lectures💂. I have known that my learning styles are Kinaesthetic✍. I learn by doing and explore by myself. I prefer to act my teacher’s deeds than listen. With this way, I can understand the content well👻.

        We got a learning style Test and I got A=2, B=3, C=5 for the test. I am a kinaesthetic student and I am comfortable with it😘.


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